In fact, even if you are not taking your weight loss efforts to the next level, there are best ways to lose 20 pounds fast.
We all know that aside from sweat, losing weight requires a huge amount of discipline.Nonetheless, keep in mind that it is not all moonlight and roses, as you to be desperate in workouts and stuff.
Sure, exercise and eating healthier will take some work from your end; however, it won’t require any heroic effort from you. You can simply do lifestyle changes like getting your eyes off the Television and do something about your weight. Remember: Change will always start from you.
Now, let’s get to the whole point. Read on.
Instead of Subtracting, Try Adding
You are surely fond of subtracting foods from your diet, hoping that it will take you a step further in your weight loss journey. Well, sadly, it is a lot better if you do it the other way around – adding foods. Yes, you heard that right! One of the best ways to lose 20 pounds fast is by adding in healthy foods such as juicy grapes, deep-red cherries, or crunchy snow peas. From now hereon, put those lovely fruits in your lunchbox and add some veggies in to your stews, sauces and soups.
According to dietitian David Grotto, RD, LDN, when it comes to any weight loss program, adding will always work compared to taking away. However, it is still important to keep track of your calories and that you don’t miss a single physical activity. Therefore, it is about time that you replaced that broken alarm clock, wake up early, and starting revving your jogging engine.
Stop Calling It as a Workout
If you, in one way or another, view “workouts” as a creative avoidance, then it is time that you stop playing your own mind’s game. So what’s the trick? Simple – don’t call it a workout exercise and you can definitely enjoy it a lot better than before. According to WebMD, there is somewhat truth to it. That once you do, you’ll notice those roadblocks, which are preventing you from exercising, falling.
Stop Drinking Your Calories
Are you fond of sodas, large glass of wine, or morning juice? If so, no wonder you’re not losing weight, boy. Keep in mind that these beverages contain calories that can add up in the long run, thus you are not reaping results. The best thing is to stick with water flavored with fresh ingredients such as mint, lemon, or cucumber so as to save on calories.
Hydration Helps – a Lot!
Before every meal, down some water so you won’t feel famished. Doing so can help you significantly, as you tend to be cautious with what you eat. You won’t hog everything like a starving dog, since you’re not that hungry at all. This is also helps when you go to a party, where food just seems to be, well, abundant. Not only will it be harder for you to appreciate the buffet served, you won’t also be tempted to sip endless cocktails.
Remember that despite how effective the aforementioned are, they won’t be unless you start the change within you. So which of the best ways to lose 20 pounds fast will you be doing first?