Two Proven Ways to Lose Five Pounds Within 24 Hours

The likes of boxers and MMA fighters have mastered the art of cutting weight and, what’s even more interesting, is that they do it hours before weigh-ins.
Two Proven Ways to Lose Five Pounds Within 24 Hours

So, you’re ready to take the quest of taking your weight to a lighter measure. I know, it’s not easy – been there, done that. However, believe it or not, the ways to lose 5 pounds within 24 hours are all but a mind’s game. It’s like fighting off that Joker in your head, telling him to stop as the jokes don’t do you good anymore.

The likes of boxers and MMA fighters have mastered the art of cutting weight and, what’s even more interesting, is that they do it hours before weigh-ins. Heck they even do the trick for photo shoots on short notice. Mind you, you don’t really have to be the next Jon Jones to lose weight. Just be yourself and start with some essential methods to take that extra fat off.

Method 1: Drinking and Eating

You may ask “thought I was going to lose weight, but how come you’re telling me to eat and drink?” Hey, stop there little fella – we aren’t done yet. First, keep in mind that your body consistently lose fluids thanks to urination, sweating and even breathing. However, do know that refraining from drinking or eating water (yes, water) is one the best ways to lose 5 pounds within 24 hours. It’s not even difficult; it’s as easy as asking your mom not to kiss your cheeks anymore as you’re 25.

Note, though, that according to Men’s Fitness this can lead to serious health problems if you’re not careful. Anyway, here’s how you’re going to do it correctly. 

  • As much as possible, try to drink two gallons of water a day and do this for one week. Basically, the increased in water intake can trigger your body hormones to excrete good amounts of urine compared to the usual norm. Doing this is essential when you’re about to loss fluid in day of your weight loss regime.
  • Consume salt (sodium) the moment you start, as this can help you towards the end.
  • Just two days prior to losing weight, reduce your fluid intake up to one gallon of water. Subsequently, your sodium consumption should also be put into a halt.
  • On the day of your weight loss, don’t ever get tempted to take both fluid and sodium. You have been warned, okay?

Method 2: Ready Yourself for Weight Loss Hell

When I say ready, you should be ready.                Why? Because method two will really introduce you to hell (but in a positive way, of course). The idea is to align your environment with your weight loss scheme, so as to keep the consistency alive and kicking. Although this can be as tough as paying your monthly taxes, the end-results are all worth it.

Here’s how you’re going to do it.

  • Heat your living room to a working temperature to keep you sweating.
  • Remove all those mouthwatering delicacies from your fridge and stuff it with fruits or vegetables instead.
  • Throw that Television out your door. I mean to say, is don’t be a couch potato and keep your workout engine revving.
  • Despite having your room’s temperature high, put on some warm clothes when exercising. This could make you sweat more, as well as lose weight even faster.

Sure, you can think and/or read of other methods that can help you get that Brad Pit body. However, the key is and will always be “pushing your limits.” So, what do you think? Will you follow the aforementioned ways to lose 5 pounds within 24 hours? Or will you just continue being a couch potato?

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