If there’s a very important event you are looking forward to like a wedding, beach party, or anything that requires you to wear a certain particular dress, then you might want to lose that extra 10lbs of weight in the easiest ways possible. Luckily, we are here to show you a few easy and awesome ways to lose 10lbs in 3 weeks plan. This list is consisted with effective and easy to follow guides to leave those extra weight. After this, that nice dress will no longer be a dream.
Note by the way, that before you continue in this list, you need to speak to your doctor for potential health hazards you might encounter. Health comes first!
Step 1 – Cut that cal-consumption out! Calories plays a very vital role in this lose 10lbs in 3 weeks plan for obvious reasons. There’s a lot of reasons why calorie is quite shunned on in the weight loss industry. One, they are one of the most notorious culprit in overweight problems throughout the world. Two, they are difficult to get rid of once they enter your system. You better don’t start gaining them carelessly if you want to lose weight as fast as you can. Always remember that for every 1 lbs of fat you’re gaining, you need to lose around 3000 calories. In this plan, your goal is to lose 3 to 4 lbs each week, meaning, you have to maintain your consumption to a minimum. The ideal range is 800-1500 calories/day. This way, you can reach your target weight loss in three weeks.
Step 2 – What they said is true: you are what you eat. Eating unhealthy foods daily can easily destroy your figure or worse, your health. Eating healthy is another great way to lose weight. The ideal ones are those foods which are low in sugar and saturated fat. Your daily diet should only contain protein rich foods like turkey breast, whey powder, egg whites, fish, skinless chicken and a few variety of vegetables. You can also add some whole grains foods there like brown rice, wheat bread, and cereals. The coup de grace here in this diet is fruits, which can act as your snacks.
Step 3 – Always avoid foods that are high on fats and sugar. This means you should start avoiding fast foods, soda, sweets and white flour. Say sayonara to McDonalds!
Step 4 – begin working out and exercising as frequently as you can. The ideal number of days each week is 5 days. The first three days should be consisted with cardio workouts such as cycling, swimming and running. The other two, on the other hand, is focused on strength like lifting. These great activities will help your body increase its metabolism, which in turn, will help you burn more fats and calories in your body which can easily manifest in sweating. Make sure though that you are always hydrated. The ideal minimum water consumption each day is 1.8 liters. Stay hydrated, my friend! That’s it! We guarantee you, if you follow this lose 10lbs in 3 weeks plan, you will easily lose that pesky extra weight. What do you think of our weight loss plan?? Comment below and let us know!