Disasters8 Min Read gutenblogonMay 31, 2014 The Flood of 1099 Netherlands and England With little to no flood defences, the people of medieval England and the Low Countries stood powerless against the relentless surge.
Disasters6 Min Read gutenblogonJuly 31, 2012 1911 Yangtze River Flood China As torrential rains battered the Yangtze River Basin, water levels surged uncontrollably, submerging cities, villages, and farmlands.
Disasters History5 Min Read gutenblogonJanuary 13, 2012 St. Felix’s Flood Storm Surge 1530 Holy Roman Empire Known as 'Quade Saterdag' (Evil Saturday) in Dutch history, this catastrophe was overshadowed by later floods but left a permanent scar on the region.
Disasters5 Min Read gutenblogonApril 28, 2008 1938 Hanshin Flood Japan The Hanshin region’s vulnerability was further amplified by the lack of coordinated disaster response.
Disasters5 Min Read gutenblogonFebruary 9, 2007 1954 Yangtze Floods China How the 1954 Yangtze Flood Exposed China’s Weaknesses in Handling Natural Disasters.
Disasters8 Min Read gutenblogonSeptember 19, 2004 1931 China Floods China’s agricultural land was destroyed, leading to severe food shortages. The economic impact was equally staggering, crippling China’s…
Disasters6 Min Read gutenblogonAugust 14, 2004 1989 Sichuan Flood China A highly debated aspect of the 1989 Sichuan flood is the extent to which poor governance and corruption exacerbated the disaster.
Disasters6 Min Read gutenblogonDecember 18, 2003 Hanoi and Red River Delta Flood 1971 North Vietnam The 1971 Hanoi flood was the result of both extreme weather conditions and human mismanagement.
Disasters6 Min Read gutenblogonJuly 4, 2003 North Sea Flood of 1953 The Netherlands, Belgium, and the UK were completely caught off guard by the destructive power of the flood, which tore through towns and…