So they say that you are what you eat. With that in mind, I want to talk about the best diet plans to lose belly fat.
After all, I believe that that saying is correct in a sense that bad diets often result in belly fats and terrible weight gain.
Let us clear one thing, though. First and foremost: flat stomach takes time and effort. If you want to lose all those belly fats, you need to work hard; physically and mentally. In this one, we will focus more on the best diet plans, so the struggle is more or less on self-control. Mind over body, folks. Buckle up because this one’s different.
- Protein works wonders. The more you consume foods rich in protein, the less prone on junk foods and fat-riddled snack. According to Louis Aronne MD of the Clinic at Cornell, as our body gets older, the more it produces more insulin which stores fat. Protein helps our body against insulin resistance so it is great to add it to your diet. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the recommended breakfast setup that we will use in our best diet plans to lose belly fat is consisted with fat-free or low-fat greek yogurt, almonds, ham and vegetable omelet, berries, protein shake and a couple of fruits and grilled bacon on tortilla.
- Again, protein is a key factor at lunch time too. We cannot stress it too much, but protein-rich foods like turkey, cottage cheese or tuna is the best way to go for an amazing diet plan. Of course, it still depends on your calorie intake. Depending on your calorie intake requirements, bagel, fruit, sandwich and mixed nuts is the way to go for a higher requirement. However, salad with a soup on the side is the ideal choice if you are on the lower end.
- Let us deviate a little bit from the typical route in losing this good ol’ belly fat. According to Fitness Magazine, an ideal evening meal may include lean steak, avocado rice bowl, vegetarian pizza (whole-wheat crust), and yogurt paired with the cucumber sauce. You don’t have to strictly and thoroughly follow this menu. The gist here is to go for a protein-based meal with a descent amount of whole-grain carbohydrates and healthy fats.
- Of course, we cannot disregard the snack time between meals. In these times, the best way to go is through a low sugar menu. Ideally, you are good to go with low-sugar yogurts, fresh fruit, reduced fat-cheese, low-carb protein bars and whole-grain chips. The point here is to watch out for the calorie intake. Make it as few as possible in order to avoid running through the brick wall problem of taking more calories than you burn. Remember, you worked hard for it so don’t screw it by eating an extra donut.
Follow these tips and you are guaranteed to reach your goal, thanks to our best diet plans to lose belly fat. Eat wisely, fellas!