The Most Effective Healthy Plan to Start Losing 10 Pounds in 14 Days

It is widely known that this “bad boy” here helps us fight depression and lowers our cholesterol levels.
The Most Effective Healthy Plan to Start Losing 10 Pounds in 14 Days

So you want to lose weight that badly, huh. Lo and behold, ladies and gentlemen, for you just stumbled upon this latest healthy plan to start losing 10 pounds in 14 days!

And let me tell you, it’s no rocket science, though a little bit of effort with a pinch of self-control would be very much welcome. But don’t worry because the pay-off is totally worth it.

First and foremost, in order to achieve this goal, we got to ditch out the false belief that the more you lose weight, the smaller you get. After all, according to Men’s Health, our muscles weigh more than body fats. We got to think differently in order for this plan to work.

So, let’s start losing weight now, shall we?

Step 1: A Funky Exercise

Let’s fire this one up a notch with a great type of exercise: Aerobics. This one is a fundamental part of our healthy plan to start losing 10 pounds in 14 days. It is widely known that this “bad boy” here helps us fight depression and lowers our cholesterol levels. Add this one in your routine for around 30 minutes a day, and 5 days/week. Add to that another 15 minutes before and right after your designated exercise for your warm-up and, of course, cool-down purposes. This will help your heart maintain the 50%-70% of the target rate.

Step 2: A Healthy Change

Say “sayonara” to our beloved highly processed foods and fill the food cabinets with fresh fruits, whole grain products, and vegetables. This change of diet is packed with nutrients and fiber which is very helpful to our digestive system in processing food and filling the stomach.

Step 3: Lift Your Spirits

Now to our brass tacks shall we? Let us add the weight training and a few resistance exercises 3 days/week. Each of these should be consisted of 8-12 repetitions per session. For those who are a bit rusty, try pushing your muscles until you feel it burn some lactic acid; an indication that your muscles are starting to feel the challenge which will make it grow and increase your metabolism. This is one of the keys to this healthy plan which helps you increase your muscles’ tone and make you appear like you have lost more weight.

Step 4: Always be Prepared

A healthy snack that is always nearby could go a very long way. Fruits, vegetables, and a variant of whole grain chips could provide wonders when it comes to fiber intake and would keep you full until the meal time. Don’t bother with starving yourself because it can only lead you to eat too much.

Step 5: Last But Not the Least is Water

Drink at least 1.8 Liters of water a day. Don’t ever let yourself to dehydrate because even in the mildest way, it can cause our muscles to weaken and even fatigue which is bad. After all, you might even need more than the minimum water every day because of the aerobic exercise and weight training. Ergo, keeping yourself hydrated would maintain your body’s metabolism on its best is handy in burning body fats.

So, how’s that for a plan? Isn’t it great? Like I told you, a little bit of an extra effort could go a very long way. After this, no more crying in front of the mirror, or browsing Tumblr INFAB posts. Start cranking now, fellas and start our healthy plan to start losing 10 pounds in 14 days! After all, why be proud and fat when you can become fit and proud instead?

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