Top Five Quickest Ways to Lose Belly Fat

No need for those medical supplements, and various shenanigans. All this list requires for you is patience and a handful of self-control.
Top Five Quickest Ways to Lose Belly Fat

Getting tired of forcing yourself into those extremely tight My-Chemical-Romance-inspired skinny jeans you always wore three years ago? Don’t worry, here are some of the quickest ways to lose belly fat that we’ve accumulated from the experts. After this, no more crying when looking at the mirror.

No need for those medical supplements, and various shenanigans. All this list requires for you is patience and a handful of self-control. After all, according to USA Today, despite the seriousness of risk that the belly fat issue brings to people, all it takes to fight it is perseverance.

  1. Start the changes through exercising. Compound exercise is one of the most effective ways to lose belly fat as quickly as possible, since it allows most of your body muscles to exert effort. This is most especially below the navel part, one of the parts we need to focus in order to be successful in this list of quickest ways to lose belly fat. Do this twice or thrice a week and rest assured, you will lose that unnecessary belly fat in no time.
  • According to United States Department of Health & Human Services, a healthy diet, a clean diet in particular, could go a long way in your journey to lose belly fat. This type of diet usually consists foods that are packed with nutrients. So, adding a variety of fruits, whole grain, lean meat, fat-free dairy products and vegetables in your food cabinet is a must if you want to lose belly fat.
  • Aside from the compound exercise, you need to move your body more. Being more active by running, swimming, and doing other outdoor activities is a great way to lose body weight. These activities help our heartrate to go up. Being active also causes your metabolism to be faster, causing you to burn more calories a lot quicker, which is indicated by sweating. Just don’t overly exert yourself and always prepare water to avoid dehydration.
  • Despite the Paleo diet shenanigans we heard so much recently, we can’t deny the power of protein. According to Louis Aronne MD from the Clinic at Cornell, as your body ages, it produces more insulin that are extremely prone to fat storage. To remedy that, a good amount of protein in your diet could go a long way against insulin resistance. Taking the right amount of protein through lean meat and organic whey protein is one of the best ways to go.
  • Avoid stress as much as you can. University of California states that stress is one of the main culprits in weight gain for most of the people. Stress hormone cortisol drives your body to crave for foods which results in unwanted calorie intake. Doing yoga and other types of relaxation methods are certainly one of the quickest ways to lose belly fat. Plus, after a hard day at work, you also owe it to yourself to relax every once in a while.
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